Shilajit : 13 Advantages, Uses and Disadvantages of Shilajit

13 Benefits and Side Effects of Shilajit

Shilajit is a special and very rare mineral substance found in the region of the Himalayan hills. It is said to have a wealth of medicinal properties and help protect against and reduce the effects of a variety of physical problems. It is believed that consuming Shilajit can also improve the problems related to masculinity. In this article, The My Story Explorer has explained the use of Shilajit, benefits of Shilajit, identification of Shilajit and correct method of eating Shilajit after hard work. Not only this, we will also tell you the disadvantages of Shilajit so that you can know what are the advantages and disadvantages of Shilajit and understanding this, you can get benefits only from Shilajit. Also keep this in mind that no matter what the disease is, do not take any step on your own discretion without the advice of the doctor. No disease can be treated without the advice of a doctor. Shilajit can only keep you healthy or you can get some relief in the problem.

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Let’s start but, before moving ahead in the article, it is very important to know what is Shilajit.


What is Shilajit?

Shilajit is a rare mineral substance made by a natural process. Natural forms it naturally, but it takes thousands of years to build it. Scientists say that Shilajit is prepared after the process of decomposition of plant species like Raeliana, Euphorbia and Trifolin repens. It would not be wrong to say here that Shilajit is a precious substance given by nature. You can also call it black gold. Its aroma is like cow urine and it is sticky. If you want to get benefit from Shilajit, then you should take very little quantity of it. That’s why it is advised that without the advice of a doctor or a doctor, you should not consume any medicine or medicine on your own in any kind of problem, if you do this then it does not take long for the medicine to work as poison.

You have come to know what Shilajit is, now let us give you further information about its benefits.


1. Relief in Arthritis

If you are troubled by arthritis, then Shilajit can provide relief in the problem of arthritis. In order to test the Ayurvedic medicine named Ashvashila in Arthritis, it was done on rats and this has also been confirmed in the scientific report. If you want to see this report, you can visit the website of NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) This medicine is prepared from a mixture of Ashwagandha and Shilajit, which is the main ingredient for making this medicine. It has been proved in this research that a substance called selenium is found in Shilajit. Selenium has the ability to reduce inflammation. Selenium helps in providing relief to patients suffering from Osteoarthritis (a type of arthritis). If this report is to be believed then it would be correct to say that Shilajit can prove to be beneficial in reducing the inflammation of arthritis.


2. Helpful in controlling cholesterol

In today’s time, people like to eat outside so much that they start complaining of cholesterol level rising. If you are also worried about increasing cholesterol, then you will be happy to know that Shilajit can also be helpful in controlling increased cholesterol. As we told you that Shilajit was researched on rats. This research found that one of the main properties of Shilajit is to improve the overall lipid profile (cholesterol, triglyceride and high-density lipoprotein). Because of this property, it can also be used to control high cholesterol. It would not be wrong to believe that Shilajit can also be beneficial for controlling the problem of high cholesterol.


3. Helpful in controlling high blood pressure

Shilajit can be used as a suitable alternative to control high blood pressure. This thing has come to the fore in an Ayurvedic research. In this research, it was found that among the medicinal properties of Shilajit, blood pressure lowering (Antihypertensive) property is also there. Due to this quality, increased blood pressure can be reduced by consuming Shilajit. Therefore, the use of Shilajit can help in getting rid of the problem of high BP.


4. Helps keep the heart healthy

Shilajit can also be used to reduce high BP. If Shilajit can help in controlling your fat, then it also helps in controlling BP. If both these problems are eliminated, then due to this one gets proper relief from the problems related to the heart. Apart from this, in another research regarding Shilajit, Shilajit has been described as beneficial for heart health. Therefore, Shilajit can also be considered suitable for other health problems related to the heart.


5. Provide relief in diabetes

Shilajit is also helpful in preventing diabetes. Shilajit is found to have anti-diabetic (blood sugar lowering) properties. This property can work to control the level of high blood sugar ie diabetes to some extent. It would be appropriate to say that the use of Shilajit can be effective in controlling the problem of diabetes.


6. Shilajit Beneficial in Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s is a problem found in the elderly, in which Shilajit can be useful in getting relief. This is confirmed by the research available on the NCBI site It has been told in this research that the presence of fulvic acid has been found in Shilajit. Fulvic acid is known to enhance memory. Due to the presence of fulvic acid, anti alzheimer (alzheimer’s relief) symptoms are found in Shilajit. This is the reason that the use of Shilajit can avoid the problem of Alzheimer’s. On the other hand, if someone has this problem, then a positive effect can be seen to a great extent.


7. Shilajit removes fatigue

शिलाजीत में फुलविक और हुमिक एसिड होने के कारण थकान से मुक्ति दिलाने में मदद मिलती है, इसके बारे में शोधों से पुष्टि होती है। शिलाजीत मोटापे से भी कुछ हद तक मुक्ति देती है। इसलिए, थकान से मुक्ति देने में शिलाजीत सहायक हो सकती है।


8. Shilajit helpful in anemia

Iron deficiency is an important cause of anemia. Shilajit is a boon for people dealing with it. Research based on rats in the Pacific Journal of Topical Biomedicine has accepted this. Shilajit being rich in iron, helps in removing iron deficiency in the body. This has been confirmed on the NCBI website Therefore, Shilajit can be beneficial for a patient of anemia.


9. Shilajit Useful in Urinary Problems

Use of Shilajit can be beneficial for urinary problems. This is confirmed through a study in the International Journal of Ayurveda Research. Shilajit is found to possess immunostimulant properties. Therefore, it can be helpful in relieving urinary problems. Shilajit is also used in Ayurveda for urinary problems.


10. Successful in Dementia

Dementia is a diverse and specific health problem that affects a person’s memory and ability to remember. In this, the person is unable to remember things and at the same time, the ability to think and understand is also less. In most cases, dementia occurs with aging, but some may also result from dementia or depression. Shilajit is a medicine that can help fight dementia and other problems. It is an anticonvulsant drug used by men and women, which helps in increasing the memory and thinking capacity of the brain. However, it is important to consult a doctor before using them, who can prescribe the right medicine and guidelines keeping in mind the individual’s objective condition. Using them properly on time, following the instructions given by the doctor and keeping other health related healthy can be helpful in curing the problem and avoiding it.


11. Shilajit Increase Manhood and Benefit in Infertility

Shilajit is considered to be an important medicine in increasing the manhood level of men. It is considered effective in increasing the fertility of men. Its use is also considered useful for testosterone deficiency in men, oligospermia, bacterial infection and other treatments. The reason is that some natural elements present in it have been included which increase the growth hormone of men rapidly. This increases fertility in men, and enables them to have sex with their partners with greater satisfaction and sensitivity. Apart from this, it also helps in increasing the physical and mental energy of men. It helps them to become more vigorous, powerful, healthy, developed and committed. Therefore, the use of Shilajit has the potential to increase fertility in men.


12. Anti Aging – reducing the effects of age

The use of Shilajit is always useful in solving brain problems that occur in old age. It is used to provide relief in problems like Alzheimer’s and dementia. At the same time, despite generating light in some research about Shilajit, still some solutions have not been found. In a very clear and recognized research, it is clearly believed that Shilajit has antiaging and rejuvenating properties. Both these properties combined provide new energy to the body and Shilajit can be an important factor in helping to reverse the effects of aging on the body. Many researches have been done regarding its use and on the basis of all the researches it has been considered to have anti-aging and rejuvenating properties. Anti-aging properties are the properties that provide a new energy to the body. And rejuvenating properties are refreshing properties. Combined use of both these properties of Shilajit can help in reducing the visible effects of aging on the body.


13. Shilajit Boost Brain Power

The important thing related to people getting bored is how to increase their memory. This problem can be quick in some people, while for some people it can happen over time. It has already been told in the article that fulvic acid is found in Shilajit. This element can work to promote memory. On this basis, it would not be wrong to say that by increasing the person’s ability to remember, it can work to increase brain power. Over time, our memory tends to decline, and individuals find it difficult to make the same connections with their memories as before. Therefore, it is important that we use various ways and means to enhance and enrich the memory of our brain. Such as reading books, practicing, thinking on some miscellaneous topics or using mental health measures from time to time.


How to use Shilajit

There are a few different methods available to trivialize the use of Shilajit. We are providing complete details here to know about them.

  1. Drink with cardamom seeds and honey.
  2. Can also drink with ghee or butter.
  3. Drink with milk.
  4. Can also drink with coconut oil.

How much Shilajit to Eat : Consuming Shilajit in excess can cause some side effects. Therefore, the dosage of Shilajit should be reviewed from time to time and controlled according to individual health status. If someone experiences malaise or urinary problems with Shilajit, they should seek the help of a doctor. We can get good health by using 300-500 mg of Shilajit daily. This amount can vary from person to person, as can their physical abilities. You should consult a doctor to know. If you want the benefits of Shilajit Capsules, then doctor’s opinion can also be found.

When to Eat : Consuming Shilajit can be beneficial for both men and women. But, before consuming it, it may be necessary to take care of some things. Please take into account your body length, weight, age, immunity status and other health related factors before consuming Shilajit. Although, it is safe in most of the cases, there may be some side effects associated with it for some individuals. Therefore, some individuals should seek medical advice before consuming it.

We need to know that we need to understand the way we eat on a daily basis, so that we can get the right direction for our health. After understanding the quantity of Shilajit, let us also keep in mind the possible disadvantages of consuming it properly for our health. If anyone is worried about the side effects of Shilajit, they can take help from a scientist.


Side Effects of Shilajit

Shilajit should only be used medicinally, so there are no known harmful effects associated with its use. However, in some situations the use of Shilajit can have disadvantages. As we told that Shilajit has the ability to reduce blood pressure. Please, people who take blood pressure medicine must consult a doctor before consuming Shilajit. Shilajit also lowers blood sugar. Therefore, people taking diabetes medications to lower sugar levels should consult a doctor before using it.
If Shilajit is consumed without purification, it can also cause intoxication because it contains a toxic substance produced by fungus and free radicals etc. Shilajit is hot in nature, due to which excessive consumption of it can cause headache.


Identification of Real Shilajit

Seeing the benefits of Shilajit, there has been a rush of companies selling Shilajit in the market. Every company is calling its own product the real Shilajit. Let us tell you that Shilajit is not an easily available substance, nor is it available in large quantities, it takes 1000 years to make it. Due to which even a small amount of it costs more, which companies take advantage of and sell fake Shilajit to you. To avoid this, it is very important for you to know how to identify the real Shilajit.

  1. Objective Description: Buy Original Shilajit from an organization that provides clean, unique and objective representation details.
  2. Varieties Popularity: Real Shilajit has the advantage of having a variety of colors, such as black, pale yellow, brown, and pink.
  3. Identification properties: It smells like cow urine and it is sticky.
  4. Identification of quality: Real Shilajit has complete identification of quality, such as identification of place of production, variety, color and quality.

For most of the people, Shilajit is mainly used to increase manhood, but after knowing its health benefits, it can also be used to cure or cure many diseases. Keep in mind, this is not a cure, but it can help prevent diseases or give some effect. Seek help from a doctor to avoid the possible harm of consuming Shilajit. Visit our website for a variety of health related topics.

By clicking on the link given below, you can buy original Shilajit, that too with a huge discount.

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