India The Modi Question – BBC broadcast controversial documentary on Narendra Modi

Recently a new documentary India The Modi Question broadcast by United Kingdom’s National Broadcaster BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation). This is a  controversial documentary on Narendra Modi The Prime Minister of India and tried to insult Indian Judiciary, Insulted Prime Minister, Insulted Hindus, Incited Indian Muslims . In this documentary they present Narendra Modi in a negative role and at the same time they attack the Hindu community and present the Muslim community as the victim. This documentary has been written targeting the 2002 Gujarat riots. It is not wrong to say that the main goal of BBC is to tarnish the image of Hindus of India and to incite Muslims against Hindus. Let’s explore the mystery behind BBC documentary .

BBC broadcast controversial documentary on Narendra Modi – India The Modi Question

India The Modi Question

Recently BBC released controversial documentary on Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi. Which has been named India The Modi Question. On watching this documentary, you will first think whether Modi had a hand in these riots, if so why was he called innocent by the judiciary. Do Hindus persecute Muslims? Are Hindus the murderers of Muslims?

Negative thinking of BBC

BBC is a reputed broadcast company of United Kingdom. The Full Name of BBC is British Broadcast Corporation. Whose thinking is still like the thinking of the old British Empire. The British rule in India is over, but BBC still does not want to see India happy, due to which they took the support of Barkha Dutt and tried hard to prevent the formation of the Bharatiya Janata Party government. And always tried to spread negativity against the people of India especially Hindus an always try to Insult of Indian Judiciary, Insult of Prime Minister, Insult of Hindus, Attempt to provoke Indian Muslims.

Good relations with Congress

We have never seen that BBC has ever made any objectionable comment against Congress. While Sikhs were openly massacred in the 1984 Sikh riots, strong evidence was found that Congress was behind it. Even insulting the religious sentiments of the Sikhs, Indira Gandhi took an irresponsible stand and gave orders to start Operation Bluestar, due to which the Golden Temple, the holy shrine of the Sikhs, and the houses of the Sikhs living nearby were badly damaged. The Sikh community also protested but BBC did not protest against it. You must be aware of the incident of Kashmiri Pandits fleeing from Kashmir by the Muslim community. When Kashmiri Pandits were warned on loudspeakers from mosques that Kashmiri Pandits should leave Kashmir and leave their women in Kashmir. All this happened during the rule of Congress. But Congress did not take any step to protect Kashmiri Pandits, due to which Kashmiri Pandits were forced to leave Kashmir overnight. But BBC did not show anything against Congress because BBC used to take huge money from Congress.
Talk about anti-India slogans in JNU and slogans raised in support of terrorists, even then BBC’s Barkha Dutt supported JNU students. Here also BBC remained silent.

BBC working for Congress

You will be surprised to know that BBC works for Congress that’s why BBC broadcast India The Modi Question documentary. You can guess from this fact that why this documentary did not come for 20 years, it was made only after 20 years. The answer is the Lok Sabha elections to be held in 2024 in which the Bharatiya Janata Party is sure to come back to power with a huge majority. The only aim of BBC is to oust BJP from power and bring Congress to power. So that BBC again gets the freedom to do anything from the Congress government and earn a lot of money. Rahul’s Bharat Jodo Yatra is also for the same purpose.

BBC is anti hindu

Whenever anything wrong happens with Hindus in India, BBC always remains silent, then BBC’s repostors are drowned in alcohol, whenever any Muslim has any kind of problem, then BBC starts running anti-Hindu news so that Muslims can be protected. can be provoked. BBC’s desire is to instigate the Muslims of India through this documentary and Hindu-Muslim riots can start again in the country. It is difficult to say whether BBC director Tim Davie is anti-Hindu or anti-India, but his works are such that we are reading to think that Tim Davie is anti-Hindu and also anti-India.

BBC is trying to get viral

BBC wants to kill two birds with one stone with this documentary. One, the people of the country should make Congress win instead of making Modi win, and second, to defeat Netflix.

British member of Pakistani origin supported the documentary

When the BBC aired the documentary India The Modi Question, a Pakistani-origin minister in the British Parliament sought answers from Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, supporting the documentary. To which Rishi Sunak answered very clearly.

Rishi Sunak replied to a minister of Pakistani origin

As soon as a minister of Pakistani origin asked Rishi Sunak to answer this documentary, Rishi Sunak, replying in less than a minute, stopped the minister of Pakistani origin and clearly said that he has no faith in this documentary .

Case on BBC should be run in Supreme Court of India

This documentary clearly shows that BBC wants to disturb the peace in India and instigate the Muslim community of the country but wants to create Hindu-Muslim riots in the country. Also, it should not be forgotten that through this documentary, BBC is not only insulting the decision of the Supreme Court, but also spoiling the key of the Prime Minister of the country, Narendra Modi. That’s why a case should be filed against BBC in the Supreme Court and such a fine should be imposed that no one dares to do this again.


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