Return of Coronavirus – Covid-19 (Alert)

In view of the uproar in China, a warning has been issued that the return of Coronavirus Covid-19 is possible in India. COVID-19 started in December 2019 in Wuhan City, China. In which symptoms like difficulty in breathing, weakness, fever, loss of appetite, sore throat were seen in the victim. China gave information about this disease in January 2020. But by then this virus had spread to every country in the world. Due to lack of information about the virus, it became difficult to make antidos of the virus. Only then WHO sent a team to Wuhan and publicized the structure of the virus and started trying to make an antidote. There was no other antidote, on the other hand the number of patients was increasing, many people died without treatment. In this case, China’s staunch enemy America held China responsible for this and called it Chinese virus, Xi Jinping became enraged because of this. And they said that this virus came from bats, but in the investigation it was found that this virus was accidentally spread from a government lab there. Xi Jinping lied to hide this. It is also ordered that China was making biological weapons and by mistake the virus was released. After which Xi Jinping sealed the entire Wuhan. In this terrible situation, all the countries announced lockdown. But there was no solution even from the lockdown. People were in awe. Same was the case in India. Indian doctors put all their efforts to fight this disease but without antivirus they had nothing in their hands, they could only try to an extent. The series of deaths continued until the antivirus was made. As soon as the effect of the virus started working in India, people breathed a sigh of relief as well as the covid vaccine of two companies had arrived in India. But the opposition parties called it Modi’s vaccine and started advising people not to apply the vaccine. Recently, a new variant of the virus has been found in India, due to which the Government of India has issued an alert that people should be careful and follow the covid guidelines.

Indian Government alert about Return of Coronavirus Covid-19

Return of Coronavirus Covid-19

Seeing the condition of China, the Indian government has warned that if the people of India are not careful from now, then it is possible that we will have to fight again against the covid epidemic. If we are careful and follow all the guidelines of covid, then we have to worry. No.  But the opposition is telling these guidelines to stop Modi government’s Bharat Jodi rally of Rahul Gandhi. This is also a matter to think whether it is necessary to stop the spread of Corona in the country or to stop Rahul’s rally. It is believed that Rahul Gandhi is not vaccinated. If Corona spreads, shouldn’t Rahul Gandhi be booked for culpable homicide not amounting to murder? Are they not putting the people of the country in trouble for their personal gains? This is the opposition which worries about power before the country.

What is the death toll from covid?

Come let’s know the figure of people dying from covid and infected. This report has been released by the World Health Organization.


Cases – cumulative total = 650332899
Cases – newly reported in last 7 days = 3445243
Deaths – cumulative total = 6649874
Deaths – newly reported in last 7 days = 10076
Total vaccine doses administered per 100 population =166.89
Persons fully vaccinated with last dose of primary series per 100 population = 64.19
Persons Boosted per 100 population = 30.23


After seeing such frightening data, we have come to the conclusion that if you think that nothing will happen to you or there is no corona, then it is your mistake. No one knows who will fall in the grip of Corona and who will survive. If the corona spreads then the next number can be yours too. That’s why be careful not to get into the words of the opposition and avoid going in the crowd. Use mask, keep cleanliness, use sanitizer, drink hot water. If you haven’t been vaccinated, get it done, if it has been done, be careful because small children haven’t been vaccinated and your one mistake can infect your children. Do not take care of yourself, but take care of the happiness of your family and your well-wishers. Stay Safe Satya Healthy.

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